Company history

A chronology of efficient markets

1585 to 1979

Historisches Museum Frankfurt/Main
Frankfurt/Main develops into an important regional commercial centre very early on. In 1585, a number of merchants decide to standardise exchange rates for the many different currencies used on German territory. The first step towards the establishment of a stock exchange has been taken.

For detailed information, read more about the history of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

1980 to 1989

Alte Börse
Mikhail Gorbachev’s concept of “perestroika” plays a key role in the downfall of Communism in the USSR and the opening of Eastern Europe. Rapid progress in technology enables closer and faster communication over great distances. With the help of technological innovations, Deutsche Börse prepares for these global changes.


The consortium of German stock exchanges (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschen Wertpapierbörsen) is founded mid-year.


SeptemberThe computer-based price information system KISS replaces the electromechanical price display boards which had been used in the trading hall since 1964.


JulyDAX®, the benchmark index for German blue chips, is calculated and published for the first time at the beginning of the month.
OctoberThe Frankfurt Stock Exchange’s data centre BDZ merges with the Dusseldorf BDW to form Deutsche Wertpapierdaten-Zentrale GmbH (DWZ). DWZ is the main provider for system development in the area of data processing and for computer centre services.


OctoberThe securities clearing and deposit banks and the central securities depositories of the regional stock exchanges in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt/Main, Hamburg, Hanover, Munich and Stuttgart merge to form Deutscher Kassenverein AG.

1990 to 1999

Alte Börse building
Germany, after having consisted of two countries with differing political systems for decades, is reunified. In the 1990s, the worldwide stock exchange industry enjoys years of economic boom: “new economy” and “e-commerce” begin to shape the stock exchange landscape from 1995 onwards. Four years later, twelve EU countries introduce a single currency – albeit as book money at first. Thus, Deutsche Börse converts all price quotations and its systems to the euro at the beginning of 1999.


JanuaryThe derivatives exchange DTB Deutsche Terminbörse GmbH is created at the beginning of the year. The first trading day is 26 January. Futures are now traded for the first time in Germany and the rise of one of the world’s leading derivatives exchanges begins.
AugustFrankfurter Wertpapierbörse AG is entered in the commercial register at the beginning of the month. It assumes responsibility for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange from the Frankfurt Chamber of Commerce and Industry.



Deutscher Kassenverein introduces CASCADE, a central processing platform for German securities trading.


The Frankfurt Stock Exchange introduces IBIS, an integrated exchange trading and information system for the cash market. A limited number of German equities can now be traded fully electronically. Unlike modern trading systems, IBIS is a hit-and-take market. Orders are not automatically executed against each other; instead, the traders select orders available in the system.


NovemberThe Frankfurt Stock Exchange introduces the exchange order service system BOSS, an order routing system to support floor trading. BOSS enables banks and securities trading firms to forward securities orders electronically “from the bank to the exchange” – prior to this, orders could only be transferred via open outcry.
DecemberThe Annual General Meeting held on 11 December votes to change the name of Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse AG to Deutsche Börse AG. The new company is entered in the commercial register on 16 December. The founding of Deutsche Börse AG involves the acquisition of all shares of DTB Deutsche Terminbörse AG and Deutscher Kassenverein AG.


AugustWerner G. Seifert becomes Chairman of the Executive Board (Chief Executive Officer) of Deutsche Börse AG.
SeptemberBOSS-CUBE, a system for electronically consolidating order routing, price determination and processing, is implemented across Germany; floor trading gets full electronic support for the first time.


JanuaryMDAX®, the index for medium-sized companies, is launched on 19 January.
MayDeutsche Börse Group goes online. Information on the company’s products and services is available on the internet for the first time.


MarchDeutsche Börse introduces Neuer Markt, its business segment for growth shares. This market segment, which exists until March 2003, offers young, innovative companies the opportunity to raise capital via the exchange.
JuneDeutsche Wertpapier-Zentrale merges with Deutsche Börse Group’s system house, Deutsche Börse Systems AG, which was formed at the end of 1996.
OctoberAfter the merger of Auslandskassenverein and Deutscher Kassenverein in 1996, the name is changed to Deutsche Börse Clearing AG, one of the two forerunner companies to today’s Clearstream International S.A.

Xetra®, the fully electronic trading system for the cash market, replaces the IBIS system. The first day of operation is 28 November. The open Xetra order book can be accessed from anywhere. Floor trading continues.

Deutsche Börse Group opens its first foreign representative offices in London and Chicago.



Four partners, Deutsche Börse, SBF – Bourse de Paris (exit 2002), the Swiss exchange Schweizer Börse (exit 2015) and Dow Jones & Company (exit 2009), introduce the new European STOXX® equity indices. Two broadly composed benchmark indices cover Europe as a whole; two more cover companies in countries that will participate in the European monetary union starting in January 1999. Two blue-chip indices with 50 shares each also cover Europe and the euro zone respectively.


Eurex Clearing AG is founded. The clearing house of Deutsche Börse Group will become one of the leading central counterparties (CCPs) globally. It clears transactions in both listed and off-exchange products – across derivatives and, starting in March 2003, securities. 


Eurex is founded. Deutsche Börse and the Swiss Stock Exchange merge the futures exchanges DTB Deutsche Terminbörse AG and Soffex to create the world’s first cross-border futures exchange. By the end of the year, the company structure has been set up and its organisation in terms of regulatory, personnel and technical aspects has been finalised. In early 2012, Deutsche Börse AG acquires all shares in Eurex.


JuneSDAX® is introduced on 21 June. The index charts the development of companies next in line after those listed on MDAX®.
NovemberDeutsche Börse takes over operation of electronic trading on Wiener Börse AG via the Xetra® trading system.

2000 to 2009

Neue Börse Hausen
The impact of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York on 11 September 2001 and the financial crisis at the end of the decade are felt in the financial and economic world as well. Nonetheless, Deutsche Börse expands in this decade and becomes the first large international exchange organisation to go public in 2001. Less than two years later, its share is admitted to the German benchmark index DAX®.



Deutsche Börse Clearing AG merges with Cedel International S.A. to form Clearstream International S.A., the new service provider for the settlement of German and international securities transactions and securities custody. Deutsche Börse AG owns 50 per cent of the joint venture. After a capital increase in June 2002, the company acquires all shares in Clearstream International S.A.


The new trading segment XTF Exchange Traded Funds® for exchange-traded index funds on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is launched.


Deutsche Börse Group moves into its new headquarters in the Rhine-Main region, the Neue Börse in the Frankfurt district of Hausen. Ten years later, in 2010, the Group relocates to its current home: The Cube in Eschborn. Floor trading continues at Börsenplatz in the centre of Frankfurt.



Deutsche Börse AG goes public on 5 February. The issue price per share is €335, followed by a stock split at a ratio of 1:10.


Eurex Repo GmbH is founded. It offers electronic trading of repo and securities lending transactions in fixed-income securities and equities. By maintaining its name, the company will be merged with Eurex Bonds GmbH, the international bond trading platform of Deutsche Börse Group, in 2018.  


Deutsche Börse AG introduces the centralised high-performance CEF® data feed for market and price data. It replaces the price dissemination system TPF (Ticker Plant Frankfurt) and FDD (Financial Data Disseminator).


Deutsche Börse AG’s share is admitted to the MDAX® index.


NovemberDeutsche Börse AG acquires a 50 per cent stake in the Spanish Infobolsa S.A., a subsidiary of Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME) and one of the leading European providers of real-time financial information. In February 2016, BME acquires full ownership of Infobolsa S.A.
DecemberDeutsche Börse AG’s share is admitted to the DAX® index on 23 December – less than two years after its IPO.



The new segmentation of the stock market comes into effect at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange early in the year. At its core are two new market segments, General Standard and Prime Standard.


Deutsche Börse introduces the central counterparty for share trading on Xetra® and on the trading floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The TecDAX® index, which tracks the performance of the 30 largest technology shares below DAX®, is launched on 23 March.


The Square, Clearstream’s new headquarters in Luxembourg, is officially inaugurated.



Entry Standard is introduced as a new segment on the Open Market. It is geared towards small and medium-sized companies. The Entry Standard is closed upon the introduction of the new Scale segment on 1 March 2017.


New Deutsche Börse executives are appointed: Reto Francioni becomes Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on 1 November. Personnel changes also occur on the Supervisory Board; Kurt F. Viermetz succeeds Rolf-E. Breuer as Chairman.




The new DAXglobal® index family for international markets as well as the Entry Standard All Share Index are calculated for the first time.


Trading in exchange-traded commodities (ETCs) is launched on Deutsche Börse’s electronic trading platform Xetra®. This means commodities can now be traded on the exchange.


JanuaryAt the beginning of the year, Deutsche Börse and SIX Group consolidate their warrant and certificate trading activities in a cooperation agreement. As of September, this company operates under the name Scoach (renamed Börse Frankfurt Zertifikate AG in November 2013). Starting in April 2008, trading is transferred from the floor of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange to the fully electronic Xetra® trading platform. After the cooperation agreement is cancelled in July 2013, the respective markets return to their parent companies. From November 2013 on, structured products are once again traded under the aegis of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
FebruaryAfter almost five months of renovation work, trading resumes in the modernised Main Trading Hall of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
OctoberIn mid-October, Deutsche Börse AG is included in EURO STOXX 50® and remains in Europe’s leading benchmark index until June 2012.
NovemberAt the end of November, Deutsche Börse founds Deutsche Börse Commodities GmbH, a joint venture, with seven partners. The new company offers innovative forms of securitisation for commodities, such as Xetra-Gold®, and guarantees cost-effective trading.


DecemberManfred Gentz assumes office as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Börse, replacing Kurt F. Viermetz.

2010 to 2019

Cube by night
The global financial and economic world is slowly recovering from the recent financial crisis. With its extended strategy, Deutsche Börse Group is well positioned for the arising “New Landscape” and looks to the future with optimism. The new headquarters “The Cube”, located in Eschborn, underlines the company’s commitment to the financial centre of the Rhine-Main region.



By acquiring a majority interest in Tradegate Exchange GmbH, Deutsche Börse further expands its position in the European retail market for trading equities, bonds, funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Clearstream opens a branch office in Singapore while Eurex admits the first traders from Japan and China to trading.


The XTF® segment for ETFs celebrates its tenth anniversary. Deutsche Börse is the European market leader in the ETF segment, with a market share of 38 per cent.


Eurex and Korea Exchange (KRX) launch a joint link with a derivatives product on the Korean blue-chip index KOSPI 200.


Clearstream Banking and the Spanish stock exchange operator Bolsas y Mercados Españoles launch REGIS-TR, an initiative aiming to set up a European trade repository that will provide reporting services for over-the-counter (OTC) financial instruments. REGIS-TR receives trade repository authorisation from ESMA in November 2013, and is approved as a Registered Reporting Mechanism (RRM) for the reporting of wholesale energy transactions in August 2015.


425 years after its foundation, Deutsche Börse relocates its headquarters from Frankfurt/Main to Eschborn. The new office building, which is around 90 metres tall and accommodates over 2,000 employees, was designed to meet the strictest ecological standards.



Deutsche Börse AG and NYSE Euronext announce on 15 February that they have entered into a business combination agreement in order to create the world’s premier global exchange group. The merger is prohibited by the European Commission in February 2012.


Floor trading at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange migrates to Xetra® technology-based trading (Xetra Frankfurt Specialist Trading). This model combines the strengths of Xetra trading – extremely fast order execution, trading throughout Europe, high liquidity – with the benefits of floor trading, human know-how. Moreover, the trading hours for this model are extended to twelve hours, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m, for selected securities.


Eurex Clearing announces the launch of its “Individual Clearing Model”. This is the first major element of a new suite of industry-leading client segregation services by Eurex Clearing. The new model allows for collateral and positions to be transferred immediately in the event of the default of a clearing member.



Deutsche Börse acquires the remaining shares in Eurex Zürich AG, making it the sole owner of the Eurex derivatives exchange.


Joachim Faber takes over as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Börse AG.


For the first time, 1,000 exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are tradable via Xetra®. Deutsche Börse’s ETF product offering thus remains the largest of any European exchange.

NovemberThe Prague Stock Exchange migrates its electronic securities trading to the Xetra trading system.

Eurex Clearing starts EurexOTC for interest rate swaps.



Eurex successfully completes its migration to T7®, Deutsche Börse Group’s global trading architecture. T7 is a member of the “7 Market Technology” family and part of the Group’s global IT offering, which also includes the N7® network and the C7® clearing system.

Clearstream presents Global Issuer Hub. The hub offers services covering the entire securities issuance cycle in a single access point – from admission and distribution to asset servicing as well as advisory services.

Eurex Clearing launches Prisma®, its new risk management system. Prisma applies a portfolio methodology for margining that differs from the typical product-by-product approach by focusing on participants’ entire portfolios.




The European Energy Exchange acquires a controlling interest in Cleartrade Exchange, Singapore, a regulated futures market for commodity futures and derivatives.


Eurex Clearing receives a clearing house licence under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), confirming that its services are fully compliant with the regulatory requirements.

Clearstream implements a settlement link with Taiwan in April; in the same month, Deutsche Börse and The Stock Exchange of Thailand sign a cooperation agreement. Deutsche Börse and the Shanghai Stock Exchange enter into a market data partnership on 23 April.

The acquisition of Citco Global Securities Services’s hedge fund custody infrastructure enables Clearstream to expand its investment fund services for financial institutions and hedge funds. As a result, Clearstream provides the leading international fund market infrastructure for exchange-traded funds (ETFs), mutual funds and alternative funds such as hedge funds.


The first renminbi bond is launched on the Regulated Market in May.


Deutsche Börse joins the UN’s Sustainable Stock Exchanges Initiative, which aims to increase the transparency and commitment of listed companies with regard to social and environmental issues and good corporate governance.

Deutsche Börse announces a partnership with the African Stock Exchange (AFSX). The AFSX is based in Mauritius and aims to offer securities trading for the whole of Africa.


JanuaryDeutsche Börse acquires an interest in Powernext SA. Together with the European Energy Exchange, Powernext has been the joint operator of the central natural gas trading platform PEGAS®. PEGAS covers an extensive product range, including spot and derivatives contracts for all major European gas hubs.

Deutsche Börse launches Deutsche Börse Venture Network®, a new platform designed to improve funding opportunities for young growth companies. Its offering comprises an online platform as well as training and networking events. Its aim is to facilitate access to venture capital for young companies.

A new Deutsche Börse executive is appointed: Carsten Kengeter becomes Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on 1 June.


Deutsche Börse acquires full ownership of STOXX Ltd., thereby securing for itself full access regarding the composition of indices. This will enable it to respond to customer requests even more rapidly in the future.

OctoberDeutsche Börse acquires the foreign exchange (FX) trading platform 360T®, a so-called fintech company headquartered in Frankfurt/Main, Germany’s financial centre.

On 18 November, the launch of China Europe International Exchange (CEINEX) is commemorated with a ceremony on the Frankfurt trading floor. CEINEX offers international investors access to investment products based on Chinese underlyings. It is the only authorised trading platform for renminbi-denominated products outside mainland China.



Deutsche Börse AG and London Stock Exchange Group plc conclude an agreement on the implementation of a combination of the two businesses as a merger of equals. On 29 March 2017, the European Commission prohibits the business combination on merger control grounds. Negotiations on a merger of the two exchanges have already been aborted twice in 2000 and 2005.


Deutsche Börse launches its FinTech Hub in Frankfurt/Main, which provides young companies and start-ups with fully equipped rooms, creating an environment in which new ideas and business concepts can thrive. The start-ups receive targeted on-site support from employees of Deutsche Börse Venture Network® in the areas of financing, network building and customer acquisition.


Deutsche Börse founds DB1 Ventures, its corporate venture capital platform. The objective is to undertake new investments and actively manage Deutsche Börse’s existing minority shareholding. Its focus consists of fostering strategic investments in early- to growth-stage fintech companies.

Deutsche Börse AG completes the sale of International Securities Exchange Holdings, Inc., operator of three US equity options exchanges, as well as of ISE’s holding company, U.S. Exchange Holdings, Inc., to Nasdaq, Inc. The companies had been part of Deutsche Börse Group from 2007.



Deutsche Börse Group continues to support innovative technologies. After having introduced a blockchain prototype developed jointly with Deutsche Bundesbank, Deutsche Börse unveils a concept for the risk-free transfer of commercial bank money.


Clearstream, Deutsche Börse Group’s central securities depository, has successfully migrated to TARGET2-Securities (T2S), a settlement platform operated by the European Central Bank. The successful migration of the German market to T2S helps to create a unified settlement landscape for Europe.


Deutsche Börse introduces Scale as a new segment for small and medium-sized enterprises. Next to Deutsche Börse Venture Network®, the new segment is part of Deutsche Börse Group’s planned ecosystem for growth in Germany and Europe; the ecosystem supports companies through all growth stages right up to listing, thereby encouraging initial public offerings.

Deutsche Börse Group’s commodity arm, the European Energy Exchange (EEX), purchased Nodal Exchange Holdings, LLC – a US-regulated futures exchange, headquartered in Virginia – as well as its clearing house Nodal Clear.


Deutsche Börse’s IT infrastructure is further harmonised with the T7® trading technology going live for Xetra trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In August 2020, the floor trading of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange follows. Thus, Deutsche Börse Group uses the same IT architecture for all its major trading venues, including Eurex and EEX – thereby creating synergies for the trading participants.


Eurex Clearing AG launches a partnership programme designed to develop alternative solutions for the clearing of interest rate swaps in the EU. The programme allows the clearing house’s customers to share in the offering’s economic success and involves them in governance. Clearing house and customers thereby assume joint responsibility for estabilishing liquid markets.



Theodor Weimer has been appointed as new CEO of Deutsche Börse AG.

Deutsche Börse is expanding the historical building in the centre of Frankfurt – the location for the trading floor and the Frankfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce are located – into an attractive contact point for the financial centre Frankfurt and the general public.


Deutsche Börse expanded its index offering by launching the Scale® 30 Index, which comprises the 30 most liquid equities from the Scale segment.


Deutsche Börse Group and HQLAX signed a Letter of Intent to form a strategic partnership for the creation of an innovative securities lending solution using the R3 Corda blockchain platform.


Deutsche Börse’s Accelerating Sustainable Finance Initiative, founded in May 2017, and the Green Finance Cluster Frankfurt of the Ministry of Economic Affairs for Hesse announced their merger. In the future, all activities pursued by the two initiatives will continue as a joint effort under the name Green and Sustainable Finance Cluster.


Deutsche Börse announces changes for the inclusion of companies in the MDAX®, SDAX® and TecDAX® indices. The separation of tech and classic sectors in the indices will be eliminated. By ending the previous separation, tech companies will also be included in MDAX and SDAX in future. Further, DAX® companies of the technology sectors can now also be included in the TecDAX index. In addition, the MDAX and SDAX indices are being expanded.


The trading hours on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange are extended: certificates and warrants can now be traded from 8:00 to 22:00.


Clearstream, Deutsche Börse Group’s post-trading service provider, closes the acquisition of Swisscanto Funds Centre Ltd. (SFCL) from Zürcher Kantonalbank. The company is fully integrated into Clearstream and renamed Clearstream Funds Centre Ltd. on 2 November 2018.


Deutsche Börse has launched a new segment for “green” bonds on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. It currently includes about 150 bonds that comply with the Green Bond Principles of the International Capital Markets Association.



Deutsche Börse, Swisscom and Sygnum enter into strategic partnership to build a trusted digital-asset ecosystem.


Deutsche Börse and Microsoft settle a contract over the use of cloud services, thus setting new standards for the financial sector. In September, this is followed by a strategic partnership of Deutsche Börse and Google Cloud to jointly define security solutions.

Clearstream launches supporting services for fund distribution in the form of “Clearstream Fund Desk”.


Clearstream enters the Australian market with the acquisition of Ausmaq Limited, a specialist managed funds services business.


Deutsche Börse successfully completes the acquisiton of the US-American Axioma, Inc. with the aim to create the leading provider in the index, portfolio and risk analysis sector. Moreover, Deutsche Börse launches the new investment intelligence leader with the newly created growth company Qontigo.


Eurex expands its pioneering role in sustainable investing by launching the first exchange-traded ESG options and new STOXX ESG Select derivatives. 

Deutsche Börse and Commerzbank executed legally binding securities settlement using distributed-ledger (DLT) technology for the first time in January. Now, together withMEAG, they successfully complete the settlement of securities transaction via tokens: a further step in post-trade services using DLT.

Through its partner Cashlink, Deutsche Börse Venture Network® offers its members a new financing option using DLT.


Deutsche Börse, Swisscom and partners successfully settle securities transactions via tokens in Switzerland in a so-called Proof-of-Concept.


Commerzbank, Credit Suisse and UBS execute first live transactions on the Deutsche Börse-HQLAx securities lending platform.

Scale is now a registered SME Growth Market and facilitates the access to capital for small and medium-sized enterprises.

2020 onwards

Compass 2023
The medium-term growth strategy Compass 2023 lays out the strategic direction of Deutsche Börse for the coming years. The most important growth drivers include the latest capital market trends, such as the development from OTC to on-exchange trading, ESG, the increasing importance of the buy-side, the shift towards passive investing and the digitisation of the financial sector. 



The assets under custody of Xetra-Gold exceeded the €10 billion mark for the first time. The physical holdings of the ETC, which are deposited in the central vault for German securities in Frankfurt, are currently 209.98 tonnes.


The German benchmark index DAX® has a new, sustainable family member: the DAX® 50 ESG Index. This index takes criteria from the ESG area into account and highlights the 50 top companies regarding their ESG performance, market capitalisation and stock exchange turnover.

Japan’s Financial Services Agency (FSA) grant Eurex Clearing a licence as a “foreign financial instruments clearing organization”. This enables Eurex’s central counterparty to offer its clearing services not only in the European Union and the U.S. but also in Japan.


Deutsche Börse and SAP set new standards with cloud usage in compliance with regulatory requirements for the financial services industry.

Martin Jetter succeeds Joachim Faber as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Börse AG.

Deutsche Börse enters partnership with Chinese data provider Wind to support easier access to European capital market.


The world’s first centrally cleared Bitcoin ETN is launched on Xetra. This provides easier access for investors to the performance of the crypto currency Bitcoin.


Deutsche Börse has launched the online analytics platform A7®. The new platform offers direct access to high-quality market data from the Eurex® and Xetra® trading venues.

Clearstream celebrates its 50th anniversary.


Deutsche Börse acquires the majority position in Quantitative Brokers, strengthening its strategic focus on the buy side.


Clearstream creates Fund Centre after completing the acquisition of majority stake in Fondcenter AG from UBS.


Deutsche Börse acquires Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS), a leading governance, ESG data and analytics provider.


The European trade repository REGIS-TR celebrates its 10th anniversary.



REGIS-TR UK LTD starts reporting after Brexit.


Deutsche Börse successfully completes acquisition of ISS, strengthening the focus on sustainable investing.


Eurex and Korea Exchange, KRX, are further expanding the range of products accessible via their joint link. In addition, Eurex extends its pioneering Total Return Futures (TRF) segment with a contract on the FTSE 100 Index.

Qontigo’s index provider STOXX received an Index of the Year award from Structured Retail Products (SRP).

Deutsche Börse, Deutsche Bundesbank and Germany’s Finance Agency successfully tested DLT-based securities settlement in central bank money.


Deutsche Börse and Commerzbank are entering a strategic partnership with fintech 360X to develop new blockchain-based digital marketplaces for existing real asset classes.


Deutsche Börse completes acquisition of remaining shares in Clearstream Fund Centre.


Eurex announces launch of Bitcoin ETN futures.

Clearstream achieves full CSDR compliance across its CSCs.


DAX welcomes 10 new members.


Deutsche Börse launches next-generation digital post-trade platform D7

Willis Towers Watson and Qontigo launch STOXX Global Index Series that quantifies the climate transition risk of companies.


Eurex is partnering with several banks to strengthen its USD clearing services.


ISS closes acquisition of Discovery Data.

Deutsche Börse completes acquisition of a majority stake in Crypto Finance, expanding its offering for digital assets.



Clearstream and EuroCCP launch pan-European post-trade connection.


Deutsche Börse Group acquires leading fund data manager Kneip.


Qontigo launches STOXX USA ETF Industry Index and licenses it to Kiwoom.


Eurex wins one of the world’s largest pension fund managers for repo clearing.

Shannon Anastasia Johnston new to the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Börse AG.

Deutsche Börse launches Bond Liquidity Data to increase transparency in fixed-income market


Qontigo launches modern STOXX multifactor indices to underlie iShares ETFs managed by BlackRock.

Clearstream automates collateral management with OSCAR.

Deutsche Börse partners with Kaiko to extend its market data offering in the crypto sector.


Clearstream launches data solutions to predict settlement failures and to foster settlements efficiency.


Five STOXX thematic indices to underline iShares Future Tech Innovators ETF in Australia.


Forge to expand global market platform into Europe.


Clearstream and key market participants go live with first digital securities issuances in Germany.


Qontigo licenses STOXX benchmark for ESG investing China to Postal Saving Bank of China (PSBC).


Deutsche Börse reaches new milestone with 2,000 ETFs.



Deutsche Börse Group announces strategic partnership with Google Cloud to accelerate innovation. 


Eurex Clearing supports sustainable transformation with new innovative ESG Clearing Compass.

Eurex is the first European exchange to launch Bitcoin index futures.


Deutsche Börse AG announces recommended all-cash takeover offer for SimCorp A/S.


Deutsche Börse announces the final tender result for takeover of SimCorp.