Deutsche Börse expands crypto ETN offering: first access to centrally cleared ETNs on Polkadot, Solana and TRON

Release date: 21 Sep 2021


Deutsche Börse Cash Market

As of today, three new Exchange Traded Notes (ETNs) from VanEck on the cryptocurrencies Polkadot, Solana and TRON are tradable for the first time via Xetra and Börse Frankfurt. The range of crypto ETNs on Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin, which has already been successfully established on Deutsche Börse, will thus be expanded by three further cryptocurrencies.

All crypto ETNs tradable on Xetra are physically collateralised and listed on the Regulated Market of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Investors can easily purchase them like shares or exchange traded funds (ETFs) without having to set up crypto wallets. Through central clearing, institutional investors also benefit from significantly reduced risks in the settlement of transactions. 


Product type


Ongoing charges

Reference index

VanEck Vectors Polkadot ETN



1.50 per cent

MVIS Crypto-Compare
Polkadot VWAP Close Index

VanEck Vectors Solana ETN



1.50 per cent

MVIS Crypto-Compare Solana VWAP Close Index

VanEck Vectors TRON ETN



1.50 per cent

MVIS Crypto-Compare TRON VWAP Close Index

In June last year, Deutsche Börse was the first exchange worldwide to launch trading in centrally cleared crypto products. Investors now have access to 18 crypto ETNs from six issuers on seven cryptocurrencies. Investors therefore no longer have to turn to unregulated crypto venues to invest in cryptocurrencies. With an average monthly order book turnover of €900 million, Deutsche Börse’s Xetra is also the leading trading venue for crypto ETNs in Europe.