Deutsche Börse to achieve net zero carbon neutrality by 2025

Release date: 19 May 2021


Deutsche Börse Group

- 70 per cent of CO2 emissions per working place to be cut by 2023
- Remaining 30 per cent through external emission reduction projects
- Trajectory towards climate neutrality to be validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

Update: The communication of the goal to achieve net zero carbon neutrality by 2025 came prior to the launch of the world's first official net zero definition for businesses by SBTi in October 2021. In the course of this, the terminology for achieving carbon neutrality until 2025 has changed. Therefore, we are currently enhancing our climate strategy in line with SBTi's requirements to include medium- and long-term net zero targets. Our goal remains to become climate neutral by 2025. 

During its Annual General Meeting today, Deutsche Börse Group announced its new climate strategy which aims at net carbon neutrality until 2025.

In a first step, CO2 emissions per working place are expected to be cut by 50 per cent this year compared to the year 2019, with direct measures that help to prevent CO2 emissions. Those will include a switch in the energy supply of office buildings towards renewable energies, the carbon neutralisation of business trips as well as an advanced infrastructure for e-mobility on-site.

In a second step, these measures will be further enhanced to reduce emissions by another 20 percentage points by 2023. 

In a third step, the remaining 30 per cent base of annual emissions will be offset by real compensation of emissions from 2025 onwards with external projects e.g. through afforestation.

Theodor Weimer, CEO of Deutsche Börse AG, explains: “We at Deutsche Börse are not only committed to supporting the sustainable transformation of our economy with the constant development of our ESG offerings. Reaching net zero climate neutrality by 2025 – 25 years ahead of the official target of the European Union – shows that sustainability is also part of our DNA as a company as we ambitiously lead the way."

Deutsche Börse aims at having a science-based target for achieving its net zero climate neutrality, and therefore plans on being certified externally by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), a joint initiative by CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), the UN Global Compact (UNGC), the World Resources Institute (WRI) and WWF. The alliance encourages companies to set targets consistent with the level of decarbonisation required by science to limit global warming to less than 1.5ºC / 2°C.

About Deutsche Börse

As an international exchange organisation and innovative market infrastructure provider, Deutsche Börse Group ensures markets characterised by integrity, transparency and stability. With its wide range of products, services and technologies, the Group organises safe and efficient markets for sustainable economies. Its business areas extend along the entire value chain in exchange trading, including the admission, trading and clearing, and custody of securities and other financial instruments, the dissemination of market data, as well as the management of collateral and liquidity. As a technology company, the Group develops state-of-the-art IT solutions and offers IT systems all over the world. With more than 9,000 employees, the Group has its headquarters in the financial centre of Frankfurt/Rhine-Main, as well as a strong global presence in locations such as Luxembourg, Prague, London, New York, Chicago, Hong Kong, Singapore, Beijing, Tokyo and Sydney.