Mohamed Bourouissa wins the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2020

Release date: 15 Sep 2020


Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation

French-Algerian artist Mohamed Bourouissa has won the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2020 for his project “Free Trade”.

Mohamed Bourouissa (b.1978) was announced as the 2020 winner of the prestigious £30,000 prize via a special online presentation hosted by The Photographers’ Gallery on Monday 14 September 2020.  Narrated by the actor, the film included a short history of the photography prize before presenting the work of each of this year’s nominees, which also includes Anton Kusters, Mark Neville and Clare Strand and then announcing the winner. 

The film is available to view online here:
Particularly focussed on the representation of disenfranchised people and marginalised communities, the Paris-based photographer Bourouissa was selected by the judging panel for his spectacular installation Free Trade. First exhibited in a Monoprix supermarket in Arles as part of Rencontres d'Arles, France, this exhibition brought together an extensive survey of projects produced in the last 15 years.

Working across photography, video, painting and sculpture, Bourouissa’s projects often examine socio-economic processes, invisible tensions between different social milieus and the related cultural divisions. Free Trade considers the relationship between individuals and the complex systems of markets and capital, while also reflecting on historically and socially prescribed aesthetics from art history to rap culture. 

The exhibition includes one of Bourouissa’s first projects, “Périphérique” (2005-2008), which subverts the common stereotypes of youths living in the infamous banlieues of Paris; a project documenting the practice of cigarette smuggling at a Paris subway station; as well as a work that repurposes Polaroid photos of people caught stealing everyday items from a supermarket. In a later project Bourouissa uses augmented reality to create virtual sculptures representing the forgotten and faceless ‘army of the unemployed’.

The video “Temps Mort” (2009) depicts the daily routines of a prisoner, connected via phone to the artist, it conveys the delicate exchange between both individuals as the confrontation between life inside and outside intensifies. 

“Bourouissa seems highly aware both of the expectation that his work should authentically repre-sent the banlieues, and the reality that they are bought and sold on the art market, far from the world they depict” writes Cécile Bishop in the exhibition catalogue: “Through his work he redirects the circulation of images (and money) so that his subjects become active collaborators in making – and selling – works of art.” 

For The Photographers’ Gallery exhibition, five projects drawn from the expansive Free Trade are presented on the fourth floor of the Gallery, including Nous Sommes Halles (2003-2005 in collaboration with Anoush Kashoot), “Périphérique” (2005-2008), “Temps Mort” (2009), “Shoplifters” (2014-2015) and the augmented-reality piece “Si Di Kubi” (2017). 

Says Bourouissa of his work: “When I was in school I learned about the history of art but that didn’t introduce other aspects of my home culture or leave traces of the people around me, so later I decided to try to bring my home culture into the history of art. For me it’s about the idea of integration – how we can integrate our own histories into that one.”

The 2020 Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize jury comprised: Martin Barnes, Senior Curator, Photographs, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, United Kingdom; Melanie Manchot, artist and photographer, based in London, United Kingdom; Joachim Naudts, Curator and Editor at FOMU Foto Museum in Antwerp, Belgium; Anne-Marie Beckmann, Director of the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, Frankfurt a. M., Germany; and Brett Rogers, Director of The Photogra-phers’ Gallery as the non-voting chair.

Brett Rogers OBE, Director, The Photographers’ Gallery and Chair of Jury, said:  
“Huge congratulations to Mohamed Bourouissa. His phenomenal exhibition – first shown at Arles in 2019, resonated deeply with critics and public alike and presented a potent examination of the mechanics of power and their effect on disenfranchised communities.
I also want to congratulate all this year’s nominees. It would be impossible not to consider this year’s award announcement through the lens of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the many deep-rooted social, economic, racial and political injustices it has exposed and amplified. 
As we begin the urgent reassessment of our current systems and values, it feels especially fitting to pay tribute to the many artists, who do so much to challenge both our assumptions about the world and the actions we take to address them.  This feels especially true of this year’s shortlist, whose projects – individually and collectively – are truly of their time.  A previous nominee, Robert Adams observed of his alumni in 2004, “Not competitors. Rather, trying to be citizens of one world”.  This feels as true today as it did then.  We are immensely grateful for their remarkable talent, openness, generosity and knowledge.”

Anne-Marie Beckmann, Director, Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, said: 
“We are excited to award the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize to Mohamed Bourouis-sa, whose work is not only extremely relevant and topical, but also highly innovative and responsive in its use of the medium of photography. The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize has always recognised the importance that photography and photographers play in reflecting, informing and shaping the world.  We are proud of its legacy in identifying and rewarding bold, innovative and original practice and we are further proud of the breadth and range of its participants.
It also feels appropriate to use this moment to think about how the prize might adapt and develop as it celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2021. Inspired by the depth of debate within this year’s jury, we are committed to initiating an open and informed exploration of the role of the prize and what considerations need to be taken on board, to meet the demands of a rapidly changing world. The question again now – as it was right from the beginning – is how can the prize offer the best sup-port for photographers and the most visible and effective platform for their works? We look for-ward to the next 25 years.”

The work of all the 2020 shortlisted artists, Mohamed Bourouissa, Anton Kusters, Mark Neville and Clare Strand, remains on display at The Photographers’ Gallery in an extended presentation, curated by Anna Dannemann, until 20 September 2020.

Highlighting the diverse and innovative nature of their individual practices, the 2020 presentations consider the shared artistic, social and political issues influencing contemporary photography more widely. The exhibition structure comprises four distinct artists’ rooms, offering each shortlisted project a self-contained space for visitors to engage with the works in depth, as well as encouraging a consideration of the projects in dialogue. While the projects are notably independent they all demonstrate, through their reflective approach to the medium and in the subjects they explore, photography’s unique ability to make visible what often lies forgotten or concealed. 

Now in its twenty-fourth year, the highly regarded annual prize, originated by The Photographers’ Gallery in 1996 and awarded in collaboration with the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation since 2016, rewards a living photographer, of any nationality, for a specific body of work in an exhi-bition or publication format in Europe, which is felt to have significantly contributed to the medium of photography in the last 12 months.

For detailed information, please visit 

Press information:

For further press information and image requests please contact:
Harriet Black or Grace Gabriele-Tighe at Margaret: or

For further information about Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation please
contact: Stefanie Luther on +352 621 620 273 or email;  or Alexandra König on +49 69 2 11-1 32 83 or email

Notes for Editors:

About Mohamed Bourouissa
Biography & Work: 
Watch Mohamed Bourouissa talking about his work here: 
Instagram: @mohamedbourouissa 

The Photographers’ Gallery
The Photographers’ Gallery opened in 1971 in Great Newport Street, London, as the UK’s first inde-pendent gallery devoted to photography. It was the first public gallery in the UK to exhibit many key names in international photography, including Juergen Teller, Robert Capa, Sebastiano Salgado and Andreas Gursky. The Gallery has also been instrumental in establishing contemporary British photogra-phers, including Martin Parr and Corinne Day. In 2009, the Gallery moved to 16 – 18 Ramillies Street in Soho, the first stage in its plan to create a 21st century home for photography. Following an eighteen months long redevelopment project, the Gallery reopened to the public in 2012. The success of The Photographers’ Gallery over the past four decades has helped to establish photography as a recognised art form, introducing new audiences to photography and championing its place at the heart of visual culture. 

Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation
The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation is a Frankfurt-based non-profit organisation. The foundation activities focus on collecting, exhibiting and promoting contemporary photography. Deutsche Börse began to build up its collection of contemporary photography in 1999. Art Collection Deutsche Börse now comprises more than 2,000 works by over 130 artists from 27 nations. Expanding the Art Collection Deutsche Börse is one of the key aims of the foundation. The collection and a changing exhibition pro-gramme are open to the public. Together with The Photographers' Gallery in London, the foundation awards the renowned Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize each year. The promotion of young artists is a special concern of the foundation. It supports them in the form of awards, scholarships, exhi-bitions and cooperations with other institutions, such as the Foam Talents Programme of the Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam. Other focal points include supporting exhibition projects of internation-al museums and institutions, and the expansion of platforms for academic discussion about the medium.

The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize History
Founded in 1996 by The Photographers’ Gallery, and now in its twenty-fourth year, the Prize has be-come one of the most prestigious international arts awards and has launched and established the ca-reers of many photographers over the years. Previously known as the Citigroup Photography Prize, the Gallery has been collaborating with Deutsche Börse Group as title sponsors since 2005. In 2016 the Prize was retitled as the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize following the establishment of the foundation as a non-profit organisation dedicated to the collection, exhibition and promotion of contemporary photography.  

Winner of the Deutsche Börse Photography Prize 2019 was Susan Meiselas for her retrospective Media-tions. Past winners include Dana Lixenberg, Trevor Paglen, Paul Graham, Juergen Teller, Rineke Dijkstra, Richard Billingham, John Stezaker and Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin.