Trading for Ukraine: Trading Charity at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange raises €170,000 in donations

Release date: 14 Mar 2022


Deutsche Börse Cash Market

With the campaign “Trading Charity – Trading and Helping”, Deutsche Börse and the securities trading banks (specialists) operating on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange floor have raised a total of €170,000 in donations. The amount will be used to support the non-profit organization “Voices of Children”, which offers psychological support to children affected by the war in Ukraine.

The donation amount is derived from the transaction and trading fees collected via the Frankfurt Stock Exchange trading venue on 4 March. Further information can be found here.

The participating securities trading banks include Baader Bank, Bankhaus Scheich Wertpapierspezialist, Hellwig Wertpapierhandelsbank, ICF Bank, mwb fairtrade Wertpapierhandelsbank, ODDO BHF, Tradegate Wertpapierhandelsbank, Walter Ludwig Wertpapierhandelsbank and Wolfgang Steubing Wertpapierdienstleister.