beaconsmind AG new in the Frankfurt Stock Exchange’s Scale segment

Release date: 13 Apr 2022


Deutsche Börse Cash Market

beaconsmind AG (ISIN: CH0451123589) has been listed in the segment Scale on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since today. The shares had an initial listing price of €12.00.  

The company is already listed on Euronext Paris, and its shares are now also tradable on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange through the dual listing. 

The IPO was accompanied by Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank, which also acts as designated sponsor on Xetra. Specialist on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is Steubing.  

According to Beaconsmind based in Stäfa, Switzerland, the company is a pioneer in the field of location-based marketing (LBM) software for the retail industry. The company helps retailers target their app users and customers in brick-and-mortar stores in real time and run successful location-based marketing campaigns.