Global Funding and Financing (GFF) Summit 2020

Under the slogan “By the market, for the market – experience, innovation, solutions” the agenda on day one will include panels on recent regulatory and industry developments, while on the second day, we will jointly explore opportunities and challenges of innovative solutions and new technologies.

We are very delighted to welcome Peter Griep, Director General Markets of Deutsche Bundesbank, on 29 January, as well as Nasir Zubairi, CEO of Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT), on 30 January, as keynote speakers to provide in-depth insights on how innovative technology solutions will shape the world of tomorrow.

Over many years, Deutsche Börse Group has established the GFF Summit as one of the major international events for the secured funding and securities financing industry. The conference combines the expertise of Clearstream, Eurex Clearing and Eurex Repo, all part of Deutsche Börse Group covering the entire lifecycle of collateral management, bringing together the experience of leading market players and providing insight into current industry developments.

Following closed door sessions, the Summit will formally begin on Tuesday, 28 January 2020, with an evening reception (GFF Bar) and finish on Thursday, 30 January 2020, at 13:30 CET.

Location: Luxembourg

As in previous years, participation is strictly by invitation only due to capacity restrictions.

If you would like to request an invitation to the GFF Summit 2020, please feel free to send your information (name, last name, company and e-mail address) to

GFF Summit 2020: We are looking forward to welcoming you at the event!