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Business newsletter

Apr 27, 2021

Dear reader,

sustainable management is the crucial challenge of our day as well as a major responsibility for Deutsche Börse. In our efforts to meet our own commitments in this regard, we have included ESG as a central topic in our Group strategy and corporate culture. We aim to actively contribute to the sustainable development of the financial market through our products and services. The provision of indices and ratings offers guidance to investors, thus facilitating investments in sustainable companies. An important step in this direction was the successful acquisition of ISS, a leading provider of governance solutions and ESG data. As a member of the UN Global Compact, we are also committed to human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.

In addition to applying ESG criteria to our product initiatives, we also consider social and ethical aspects in the pursuit of our economic goals. Our greatest asset and the foundation of our success are our colleagues – a fact that has become ever more apparent over the past months. To strengthen the commitment and reliable performance of our employees, we consciously foster a culture of open dialogue, trust and, above all, mutual acceptance of our diversity. We see this as the key to our success.

In other news, we are in the planning stages of our Annual General Meeting, which is scheduled for 19 May and will be held virtually for the second time. We would have much preferred to greet our shareholders in person, which may include you, but it will probably be a while longer before we can return to business as usual. However, we are not deterred from following our path. Deutsche Börse’s Compass 2023 strategy is focused on profitable growth – so let’s get on with it! Until our Annual General Meeting, you might want to browse through our virtual Annual Report.

I hope you enjoy reading this second edition of our Business Newsletter.

Kind regards,
Oliver Frischemeier
Head of Corporate Communications & Engagement