Deutsche Börse Group

November 2022


Dear reader,

Our previous InsightOut newsletter centred on the responsibility demanded of and for individuals, institutions and companies. Challenges facing society as a whole entail risks, but should also be seen as opportunities. Stance goes hand in hand with responsibility. In our multi-faceted and fast-moving world, the issue of stance on any matter does not merely convey identity. Ideally, it is closely linked to a person’s values and thus rarely negotiable, providing comfort and orientation – and of course credibility. We are seeing time and again what happens when individuals and institutions define stance as a pliable term open to interpretation. These days, the public no longer forgives a trimming of one’s sails to every wind, and we must also ask ourselves: are we taking a real stance – or simply expressing an opinion that is currently in vogue?  By the way – in case of doubt, silence is the wiser choice. Taking a stance does not mean jumping through every hoop.

Obviously, there are self-evident values which all of us should stand up for at all times. In our pluralistic world, respect and tolerance should be part of every individual’s and company’s set of values. At Deutsche Börse, more than 10,000 employees at over 60 locations worldwide stand up for these values every day, enabling us to collaboratively create a foundation for secure, stable and transparent capital markets. Our stance is therefore a factor of business success, which in turn contributes to a stable overall economy.

Guests of our Equity Forum, currently held in Frankfurt, may get a taste of our clear approach. As one of the largest events in the field of equity and debt financing via the stock exchange, the Forum offers ample opportunity for capital-seeking companies, institutional investors and analysts to come together in conversation. 

I hope the rest of the year brings you deceleration and an opportunity to recharge. For some of us, it is a stressful time – and many are no doubt already planning for 2023. As with everything in life, the rule is: stay calm and take a stance! 

I wish you tranquillity for these remaining weeks and an excellent start into the New Year.  

Kind regards,
Oliver Frischemeier
Head of Corporate Communications & Engagement

Coup de Coeur – the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Podcast

In the latest Coup de Coeur podcast, Anne-Marie Beckmann, Director of the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, presents the 1966 work “Phoenix Park on a Sunday” by German artist Evelyn Hofer. The image, depicting four happily exhausted football players on a Sunday morning in Dublin, bears witness to Hofer’s extraordinary talent as a portraitist.

Deutsches Eigenkapitalforum 2022


The Deutsches Eigenkapitalforum (EKF), one of Europe’s largest events for equity and debt capital financing via the stock exchange, will take place from 28 to 30 November. More than 250 companies have already registered and will report on their business development. Once again, you can expect panel discussions and keynotes on current capital market topics.

Save the date: GFF Summit 2023


Meet funding and financing experts at the GFF Summit from 1 to 2 February 2023 at the European Convention Center in Luxembourg and join us for industry updates and insights related to the theme “Thriving in a changing world”. Registration will open soon!

Business news


First digital securities issuances launched in Germany


The first automated issuances were facilitated by Clearstream, Deutsche Börse’s post-trade service provider, via the digital post-trade platform D7. D7 is fully integrated within Clearstream’s global infrastructure and works as a connector between established networks and digital capabilities.

Visit the exhibition: “Vivian Maier. Street Photographer”


More than 140 works provide a comprehensive insight into the extraordinary photographic work of Vivian Maier. The exhibition is on display at Deutsche Börse’s headquarters until 15 January 2023 and can be visited on “Open Saturday” on 19 November 2022 and 14 January 2023 without prior appointment or as part of guided tours with prior registration.

Analyst and investor conference


An analyst and investor conference on the financial results for Q2 and the first half of 2024 took place on 25 July 2024. The audio recording of the conference call is available now.

Benedict, what do you enjoy most about your internship?


Meet Benedict Lai in our latest Inter(n)view! He joined our Eurex Financial Derivatives and Sales Support Team in Singapore for six months and is learning a lot – not only about Eurex’ products but also about himself!

We have our finalists


The four finalists of the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize 2023 are Bieke Depoorter, Samuel Fosso, Arthur Jafa and Frida Orupabo.