ESG products

Deutsche Börse Group’s products and services offer investors, issuers and other market participants a marketplace as well as the infrastructure and the needed support to execute financial transactions or offer financial instruments. A comprehensive product portfolio in the area of sustainable investments has also emerged over the past few years. You can find a comprehensive description of Deutsche Börse’s sustainable products in the ESG-product hub.

The products and services of our respective segments generate economic value in different areas of the financial sector and the real economy and are often not comparable. From a Group perspective, this requires a wide-ranging definition of ESG net revenue, which then has to be broken down into more detail at the segment level. From the Group perspective, net revenue is deemed to be ESG net revenue if the products concerned are related to the transformation of the real and/or financial economy in terms of environmental, social and governance aspects.

This relationship exists if our products can increase the general transparency of information in terms of the three ESG dimensions – not only for investors, founders, asset managers and market participants, but also for external observers:

  • Environmental: This particularly comprises compliance with climate targets, regulatory requirements and environmental standards and/or credible commitments.
  • Social: This particularly includes compliance with labour law in all regions and operations, equal opportunities for all employees and minimum standards for suppliers.
  • Corporate governance: This particularly includes minimum standards for the transparency of internal processes and control mechanisms.

Each operating segment in Deutsche Börse Group can increase its information transparency in these three dimensions by including ESG aspects in its product portfolio – be it by integrating ESG ratings, data and/or analysis, or by reporting data on trading volumes for securities, derivatives, renewable energies and/or commodities. Our product portfolio can increase information transparency specifically by providing generally accepted indicators as market signals.

The following activities fall within our ESG reference framework for each segment:

ESG net revenue by segment


The corresponding ESG net revenue comprises all revenue from licensing sustainable index solutions. Licence revenue from such products can either be observed directly (e.g. in the case of ETF licences) or it is allocated, if it is sold as part of a package. Revenue from sustainable analytics solutions will be added as soon as these products are available and actively marketed.


ESG net revenue comprises Corporate Solutions, ESG Analytics and Governance Solutions from ISS, without LiquidMetrix and SCAS (securities class action services).

Corporate Solutions offers web-based tools for governance and sustainability analyses, ESG data, ratings, valuations and reports that support corporate customers to design and manage their corporate governance, remuneration and sustainability programmes.

ESG Analytics comprises solutions that enable investors to develop and integrate responsible investment policies and practices, to advocate responsible investment topics, and monitor portfolio companies by means of screening and analytics.

Governance Solutions consists of objective governance research and recommendations, end-to-end solutions for proxy advisers and reporting, as well as an outsourced proxy voting service, which includes the transmission of voting instructions.


ESG net revenue at Eurex comes from trading on the platform in ESG equities index and fixed-income index derivatives (based on licences from various index providers.
 ESG net revenue at Eurex Repo comes from trading on the platform in ESG-related collateral-based financial products, which include green bond general collateral baskets (sovereign and non-sovereign bonds.


EEX defines ESG net revenue as revenue related to sustainable commodity markets (environmental markets, both compliance and voluntary). They include contracts for green power, emissions certificates and the related services for registers and certificates of origin. In future they may also relate to natural gas, freight or agricultural products.


360T does not report any ESG net revenue.


ESG net revenue relates to trade in green bonds and ESG ETF (best-in-class approach, exclusion method, investment by topic), but also to courses on ESG topics like the Master Class SDG Strategy (planned for 2022) (E), seminars to boost women’s financial competence (S) or an examination to qualify as a Supervisory Board member (G).


Clearstream defines ESG net revenue as revenue in connection with voting instructions and distribution services offered in the context of investor services. These products support compliance with regulatory, governance or market standards and make it easier for shareholders to exercise their governance rights as active investors.


IFS defines ESG net revenue as revenue related to Vestima’s custody and settlement services for funds classified as ESG funds. Vestima acts as a central point of contact and offers a standardised process for all fund transactions, which increases our customers’ operating efficiency.