Media calendar

Our media calendar provides an overview of relevant events for journalists. Follow the links for more information on the events.

Events 2024

04 Dec 2024

DAX indices composition review

25-27 Nov 2024

Deutsches Eigenkapitalforum​ 2024

23 Oct 2024

Analyst and investor conference call Q3/2024

22 Oct 2024

Publication quarterly statement Q3/2024 (around 19:00)

12 Sep 2024

Deutsche Börse ETF-Forum 2024

04 Sep 2024

DAX indices composition review

25 Jul 2024

Analyst and investor conference call Q2/2024

24 Jul 2024

Publication half-yearly financial report 2024

05 Jun 2024

DAX indices composition review

14 May 2024

Annual General Meeting 2024

24 Apr 2024

Analyst and investor conference call Q1/2024

23 Apr 2024

Publication quarterly statement Q1/2024

15 Mar 2024

Publication Annual report 2023

05 Mar 2024

DAX indices composition review

28-29 Feb 2024

Derivatives Forum Frankfurt 2024

08 Feb 2024

Analyst and investor conference call Q4 and FY 2023

08 Feb 2024

Annual Press Conference (10:30)

07 Feb 2024

Publication preliminary results Q4 and FY 2023

Events 2023
Events 2022

05 Dec 2022

DAX Review

01 Dec 2022

STOXX Benchmark Review

28-30 Nov 2022

Deutsches Eigenkapitalforum 2022

20 Oct 2022

Analyst and investor conference call Q3/2022

19 Oct 2022

Publication quarterly statement Q3/2022

13-15 Sep 2022

GFF Summit 2022

05 Sep 2022

DAX Review

01 Sep 2022

STOXX Benchmark and Bluechip Review

27 Jul 2022

Analyst and investor conference call Q2/2022

26 Jul 2022

Publication half-yearly financial report 2022

29 Jun 2022

Investor Day 2022

03 Jun 2022

DAX Review

01 Jun 2022

STOXX Benchmark Review

24-25 May 2022

Derivatives Forum Frankfurt 2022

18 May 2022

Annual General Meeting

05 May 2022

Deutsche Börse ETF Forum 2022

26 Apr 2022

Analyst and investor conference call Q1/2022

25 Apr 2022

Publication quarterly statement Q1/2022

03 Mar 2022

DAX Review

01 Mar 2022

STOXX Benchmark Review

10 Feb 2022

Analyst and investor conference call Q4 and FY 2021

10 Feb 2022

Annual Press Conference

09 Feb 2022

Publication preliminary results Q4 and FY 2021

Events 2021
Events 2020
Events 2019
Events 2018

30 Jan-1 Feb 2018

Global Funding and Financing Summit 2018

20 Feb 2018

Publication preliminary results Q4 and FY 2017

21 Feb 2018

Analyst and investor conference Q4 and FY 2017

21 Feb 2018

Annual press briefing

5 Mar 2018

Composition review of the equity indices of Deutsche Börse

25 Apr 2018

Publication quarterly statement Q1/2018

26 Apr 2018

Analyst and investor conference call Q1/2018

16 May 2018

Annual General Meeting

17-18 May 2018

CEE Summit, Zagreb

30 May 2018

Investor Day 2018, London

5 Jun 2018

Composition review of the equity indices of Deutsche Börse

2 Jul 2018

30 years of DAX – opening bell on the trading floor

25 Jul 2018

Publication half-yearly financial report 2018

26 Jul 2018

Analyst and investor conference call Q2/2018

5 Sep 2018

Composition review of the equity indices of Deutsche Börse

18 Oct 2018

Deutsche Börse ETF Forum, Frankfurt

29 Oct 2018

Publication quarterly statement Q3/2018

30 Oct 2018

Analyst and investor conference Q3/2018

14 Nov 2018

20 years of Art Collection Deutsche Börse

26 - 28 Nov 2018

Deutsches Eigenkapitalforum 2018, Frankfurt

5 Dec 2018

Composition review of the equity indices of Deutsche Börse

Events 2017

24-26 Jan 2017

Global Funding and Financing Summit 2017

15 Feb 2017

Publication preliminary results Q4 and FY 2016

16 Feb 2017

Annual press briefing

3 Mar 2017

Composition review of the equity indices of Deutsche Börse

26 Apr 2017

Publication quarterly statement Q1/2017

17 May 2017

Annual General Meeting

23 May 2017

Press briefing "Accelerating Sustainable Finance”

6 June 2017

Composition review of the equity indices of Deutsche Börse

7 Jun 2017

Press briefing startup study Deutsche Börse & EY

26 Jul 2017

Publication half-yearly financial report 2017

31 Aug 2017

Media workshop on blockchain

12 Sep 2017

Bell Ringing Event 10th anniversary of Frankfurt’s certificate exchange

27 Sep 2017

Press briefing Hub for Sustainable Finance, Deutsche Börse & Rat für Nachhaltige Entwicklung

28 Sep 2017

14th Clearstream Fund Summit

26 Oct 2017

Publication quarterly statement Q3/2017

13 Nov 2017

Deutsche Börse ETF-Forum 2017

20 Nov 2017

Press briefing on 20 years of Xetra

27-29 Nov 2017

German Equity Forum 2017

29 Nov 2017

Bell Ringing Event 10th anniversary of Xetra-Gold

5 Dec 2017

Composition review of the equity indices of Deutsche Börse

14 Dec 2017

Press briefing „MiFID II und die Verfügbarkeit von Research“