On 19 May 2020, our Annual General took place solely virtually, due to the COVID-10 pandemic. Our shareholders could watch the entire Annual General Meeting on the Internet via the online-service. 710 shareholders made use of this possibility. 

On this website you can find all information regarding the Annual General Meeting, including the voting results, the dividend announcement and the recording of the opening speech of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Joachim Faber, as well as the report of the CEO, Theodor Weimer. 

Our shareholders may still use the online-service to inspect their entry in the share register and to register to receive the invitation to the Annual General Meeting in 2021 by email. 

You can reach us workdays, 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. CEST via phone at +49-(0) 69-2 11-1 17 50, via e-mail to hauptversammlung@deutsche-boerse.com or via fax to +49-(0) 69-2 11-1 43 32. Our office is closed on weekends and bank holidays.

Further information on the Annual General Meeting

Presence and voting results
Dividend announcement
Remuneration Executive Board

At the recommendation of its Nomination Committee, the Supervisory Board resolved with effect as of 1 January 2020 an adjusted remuneration system for members of the Executive Board. This system shall apply to all new and renewed Executive Board service agreements. On 19 May 2020, the Annual General Meeting approved the adjusted remuneration system.

The adjusted remuneration system for members of the Executive Board is largely the same as the previous remuneration system which the Annual General Meeting approved in 2016. However, a few targeted changes to the previous remuneration system were made. These are aimed at further strengthening the growth orientation of the new remuneration system and implementing the requirements of the Act on the Transposition of the Second Shareholder Rights Directive (Gesetz zur Umsetzung der zweiten Aktionärsrechterichtlinie – ARUG II) and the GCGC 2020. 

Remuneration Supervisory Board

Due to the increasing importance of the Supervisory Board's monitoring and advisory function in the context of overall rising overall complexity of Deutsche Börse Group’s business activity, the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board proposed partial adjustments to the remuneration amounts for the Supervisory Board members at the Annual General Meeting 2020.

The Annual General Meeting resolved the adjustments on 19 May 2020.

Supplementary Information on the Virtual Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of Deutsche Börse Aktiengesellschaft took place on 19 May 2020. Against the background of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, we decided, after careful consideration of all aspects, to hold a virtual Annual General Meeting without personal participation of our shareholders. The protection of the health of all participants was particularly important to us in this aspect. With the virtual Annual General Meeting, we made use of an option that the legislator had introduced recently in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, we could ensure that all resolutions, including on the appropriation of surplus, could be taken as scheduled. The dividend was paid as scheduled on the third business day following the resolution of the Annual General Meeting.

Shareholders could watch the Annual General Meeting entirely live on the Internet and they could exercise their voting rights (optionally by a proxy) by postal ballot or by nominating the proxies appointed by Deutsche Börse Aktiengesellschaft.

Moreover, registered shareholders had the option to submit questions to the Executive Board via the Online-Service until 16 May 2020, midnight CEST, at the latest to be answered in the virtual Annual General Meeting.

Documents Annual General Meeting 2020


Documents on agenda item 1
Document on agenda item 5
Document on agenda item 6
Document on agenda item 7
Document on agenda item 8
Document on agenda item 9
Document on agenda item 10
Document on agenda item 11
Counter-motions and shareholder election nominations
Further explanations on shareholder rights
Form which can be used for voting by proxy and casting a postal ballot