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Report vulnerabilities

Report vulnerabilities

Deutsche Börse takes the security of our systems and data privacy very seriously. We constantly strive to ensure that our systems are safe and provide the right level of confidentiality, integrity, availability and authenticity. 

However, if you have discovered a vulnerability, we would highly appreciate if you report it to us by sending an e-mail to

When reporting a vulnerability please refer to the following: 

  • Note our security policy on what information to include and how the report should be provided. This should include proof of concept (PoC) and a detailed description.
  • Provide your report in English or German language. 
  • Please allow us to investigate and, if appropriate, initiate counter actions to the vulnerability before you release any further information to the public. 

Deutsche Börse would like to thank all security researchers or members of the public who discover a security vulnerability in our systems and responsibly share the details with us. Once a vulnerability report is confirmed and counter measures have been addressed, we would like to recognise your vigilance and contribution to Deutsche Börse’s security by adding you to our list for recognition.