Human rights

We are aware of our corporate responsibility and are committed to the principles of sustainability. We aspire to lead by example, by assuming our corporate responsibility in a holistic way and reporting on how we do so. Our management approach for a Group-wide commitment to sustainability therefore includes respect for human rights both in the supply chain and within the company. To ensure that this is the case, our human rights declaration applies to all the activities of Deutsche Börse Group and its consolidated entities, including our relations with employees, suppliers and clients. In addition, we have introduced a code of conduct for suppliers and service providers, which comprises a comprehensive catalogue of environmental, social and governance criteria (ESG). Suppliers responsible for 99.5 per cent of our purchasing volume have currently signed an agreement based on the Code of Conduct. New suppliers must by default acknowledge and accept Deutsche Börse Group's Code of Conduct in our Onboarding Tool. You can find out more about sustainability in our supply chain here.