Financial futures transaction

All transactions concerning financial securities settled on the futures market, the delivery term of which is stretched over the delivery date on the cash market (for Germany, all the futures transactions with delivery term over two trading days).

The key feature of this kind of transactions consists therefore, not only in the open positions in the annual financial statement resulting from the future delivery term, but also in the fact that neither the buyer nor the seller has to perform the contract within the agreed date.

Financial futures transactions comprise all the transactions settled on the over-the-counter (OTC) market, on the regulated unofficial market as well as in the regulated futures exchanges, where it is possible to trade financial futures contracts. Financial transactions settled on the OTC market are therefore high individually draftable and consequently suitable for an organised exchange trade.

Therefore OTC-financial trading includes:

  •  non-standard financial futures
  •  non-standard options
  • forward rate agreements
  • foreign exchange futures.

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