Open Market (Freiverkehr)

Exchange-regulated market segment in which, in addition to some German shares, mainly foreign shares, funds, bonds and warrants are traded.

In addition to German equities, the Open Market on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange largely trades foreign equities, bonds of German and foreign issuers, mutual funds, certificates and warrants.

The basis for the inclusion of securities in the Open Market is formed by Deutsche Börse's General Terms and Conditions for the Open Market. Unlike the Regulated Market, which is governed by public law, the Open Market is a market governed by private law. There are only a few formal inclusion requirements and hardly any follow-up obligations for the issuer.

The Open Market for shares consists of two sub-segments: the Basic Board, which can only include shares of companies that have an initial listing on another recognized exchange, and Scale.

Scale is a sub-segment of the Open Market with increased transparency standards.