Price details

Details describing the trading phase during which a price is calculated

Price details are published along with a price. They indicate during which trading phase the price has been determined. Unlike the price extras, the details are not anchored in the exchange regulations.

These price details are used:

  • G = Geld (bids): there were no trades; only bids existed at this price
  • B = Brief (offers): there were no trades; only offers existed at this price
  • - = gestrichen (quotation cancelled): no price could be determined
  • - G = gestrichen Geld (quotation cancelled, bids): no price could be determined; non-limit bids existed
  • - B = gestrichen Brief (quotation cancelled, offers): no price could be determined; non-limit offers existed
  • - T = gestrichen Taxe (quotation cancelled, estimated): a price could not be determined; the price is estimated
  • - GT = gestrichen Geld/Taxe (quotation cancelled, bids/estimated): a price could not be determined because the price is estimated on the bid side
  • - BT = gestrichen Brief/Taxe (quotation cancelled, offers/estimated): a price could not be determined because the price is estimated on the offer side
  • ex D = nach Dividende (ex dividend): first quotation net of the dividend
  • ex A = nach Ausschüttung (ex distribution): first quotation net of the distribution
  • ex BR = nach Bezugsrecht (ex rights): first quotation after separation of the subscription right
  • ex BA = nach Berichtigungsaktien (ex bonus shares): first quotation after change of the price quotation to the share capital adjusted from the issuer's funds
  • ex SP = nach Splitting (after share split): first quotation after adjustment of the price quotation to reflect a share split
  • ex ZS = nach Zinsen (ex interest): first quotation net of interest
  • ex AZ = nach Ausgleichszahlung (ex settlement payment): first quotation net of a settlement payment
  • ex BO = nach Bonusrecht (ex bonus right): first quotation after separation of a bonus right
  • ex abc = ohne verschiedene Rechte (without various rights): first quotation after separation of various rights
  • ausg = ausgesetzt (suspended): the price quotation is suspended; an open outcry is not permitted
  • - Z = gestrichen Ziehung (quotation cancelled, redemption): the quotation of the debt security has been suspended due to a date for a drawing for redemption. The suspension begins two Exchange days before the date fixed for the drawing and ends at the end of the following Exchange day.
  • C = Kompensationsgeschäft (compensating transaction): only those orders with respect to which purchaser and seller were identical were executed at this price
  • H = Hinweis (note): separate reference is made to special matters