Index comprising 70 companies in the Prime Standard segment that rank directly below the MDAX® shares in terms of size.

SDAX® was launched on 21 June 1999. It comprises 70 shares in the Prime Standard segment of FWB® Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse that rank directly below the MDAX® shares in terms of market capitalisation and trading volume. The base date for the index is 30 December 1987 = 1,000 points.

The composition of the index is reviewed on a semi-annual basis and adjusted in March and September. The criteria for weighting the shares in the index are: trading volume and market capitalisation on the basis of the number of shares in free float, as well as position in the respective sector. All changes in the MDAX index are based on the transparent rules set out in the Guide to Equity Indices of Deutsche Börse AG.

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