XTF Exchange Traded Funds

Market segment launched by Deutsche Börse AG for mutual funds that are eligible for continuous trading (ETFs).

Deutsche Börse supports trading in ETF®s by providing the regulatory framework as well as the necessary systems and information. ETFs, or Exchange Traded Funds, are no-load mutual funds offered by investment companies. Because share prices are quoted throughout the trading session in Xetra and on the floor, the funds can be traded like individual stocks. Designated Sponsors ensure sufficient liquidity in these funds in the Xetra system. To be admitted to XTF, the fund must be listed in Amtlicher Markt (Official Market) or Geregelter Markt (Regulated Market).

Two types of funds are eligible for trading in XTF®: index funds and actively managed funds. To maximise the transparency of the new segment, Deutsche Börse regularly supplies information providers and financial institutions with the most recent data on the funds and the performance of the respective benchmark. This information is also available in the Internet at www.deutsche-boerse.com.