iBoxx indices

Bond indices that are calculated on the basis of the average values of the pricings from seven independent index providers.

iBoxx® indices represent the European bond markets. The real-time index family comprises the iBoxx € liquid indices, the iBoxx € benchmark indices and the iBoxx £ benchmark indices.

The iBoxx € index family contains real-time indices for fixed-interest government bonds (in euros or any currency of the Euro Zone), sub-sovereigns, collateralised bonds and corporate bonds. Within the iBoxx € index family, the iBoxx € benchmark indices enable market participants to evaluate the euro bond markets. iBoxx £ index family represents the government bond market in British pounds.

iBoxx € liquid indices comprise a selection of the most liquid bonds from the iBoxx € benchmark indices. They are particularly suitable as a basis for OTC and exchange-traded derivatives. Bond prices are supplied in real-time by ABN AMRO, Barclays Capital, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, Morgan Stanley and UBS Warburg. An independent index provider, Deutsche Börse consolidates those prices, calculating and distributing the indices.