Gregor Pottmeyer

born 1962
nationality: German

Current positions


since 2009

Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Börse AG
Chief Financial Officer

Professional experience



Mercedes Benz Bank AG, Stuttgart
Executive Board member responsible for Finance and Risk Management


DaimlerChrysler Bank AG, Stuttgart
04/2003 Executive Board member responsible for Finance and Risk Management
Also responsible for Finance/Controlling for the big European financing companies and responsible for Credit Operations for the financing companies in Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific
04/2002 Executive Board member responsible for Risk Management


Mercedes-Benz Finanz GmbH, Stuttgart
01/2001 Managing Director Controlling/Accounting
04/1999 Deputy Managing Director of Mercedes Benz Leasing GmbH also responsible for Controlling/Accounting for the European financing companies of debis AG
02/1998 Director Controlling/Accounting
01/1995 Director Planning and Controlling
10/1993 Senior Manager Projects


debis AG, Stuttgart
Senior Manager Planning Coordination and Reporting


Daimler Benz AG, Stuttgart
Manager Group Planning/Controlling


Saarland University, Saarbrücken
Research Associate at Business Administration Department (Area Mathematics)




Saarland University, Saarbrücken
Business Admistration Studies, graduate degree (Diplom-Kaufmann)


Abitur (A-levels/high school leaving certificate)

Board memberships

Statutory supervisory boards

  • Clearstream Holding AG, Vice Chairperson of the Supervisory Board (Group mandate)
  • Eurex Clearing AG, Vice Chairperson of the Supervisory Board (Group mandate)
  • Eurex Frankfurt AG, Vice Chairperson of the Supervisory Board (Group mandate)
  • UBS Europe SE, Member of the Supervisory Board 

Comparable German and foreign control bodies of business enterprises

  • Clearstream Banking S.A., Vice Chairperson of the Supervisory Board (Group mandate)

Last updated: 21 November 2022