
Remuneration of the Executive Board

The remuneration system from 2021 on is closely aligned with the current corporate strategy and geared to the long-term. Thereby, it sets holistic performance incentives for both a strong financial performance and also an environmental and social development based on a transparent and professional governance. This holistic approach to the remuneration system forms the basis for Deutsche Börse Group's long-term and sustainable development.

The current remuneration system applies to all Executive Board members since 1 January 2021. It was approved by the Annual General Meeting on 19 May 2021 with 94.97% of the votes in favor.

Remuneration system

The remuneration system for the Executive Board members comprises non-performance-based and performance-based components. Below you will find an overview of each renumeration components.


Downloads remuneration system 2021

  • Key features of the current remuneration system
  • Full description of the remuneration system for the Executive Board of Deutsche Börse Aktiengesellschaft

Remuneration report

The remuneration report of the Deutsche Börse Aktiengesellschaft is disclosed separately in the Annual Report 2023 and submitted for approval to the Annual General Meeting 2024. The remuneration report was reviewed by the auditor in terms of both form and content.

Download remuneration report 2023



Below you will find important information on the remuneration system and remuneration reports from previous years.

Remuneration of the Supervisory Board

The remuneration system for the Supervisory Board consists of a fixed remuneration plus an attendance fee. This is in line with the recommendation G.18 sentence 1 German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC). The structure of Supervisory Board remuneration, providing for fixed remuneration only, strengthens the Board’s independence and provides for a counterbalance to the structure of Executive Board remuneration, which is mainly variable and aligned with Deutsche Börse Group's growth strategy. Supervisory Board remuneration therefore contributes to the implementation of the business strategy, and thus promotes Deutsche Börse Group's long-term development.

Articles of Incorporation

The current version of Deutsche Börse AG’s Articles of Incorporation can be downloaded here.

Remuneration system

Download remuneration system 2024


Remuneration report

The remuneration report of the Deutsche Börse Aktiengesellschaft is disclosed separately in the Annual Report 2023 and submitted for approval to the Annual General Meeting 2024. The remuneration report was reviewed by the auditor in terms of both form and content.

Download remuneration report 2023



Below you will find important information on the remuneration system and remuneration reports from previous years.