Media library

Here you can find pictures of Deutsche Börse Group as well as recent video and audio footage of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange’s trading floor. The files may be used free of charge for journalistic purposes using the reference “Deutsche Börse AG”. Use for own advertising purposes is not permitted.

Please let us know if you have published footage from our database by sending an e-mail to

Please contact if you would like to use logos of the Deutsche Börse Group.

If you need further material or a higher resolution, do not hesitate to contact us.

Members of the Executive Board

Stephan Leithner

Stephan Leithner

Chief Executive Officer

Christoph Böhm

Christoph Böhm

Chief Information Officer/Chief Operating Officer

Thomas Book

Thomas Book

Responsible for Trading & Clearing

Stephanie Eckermann

Stephanie Eckermann

Responsible for Post-Trading

Heike Eckert

Heike Eckert

Responsible for Governance, People & Culture and Director of Labour Relations

Christian Kromann

Christian Kromann

Responsible for Investment Management Solutions

Gregor Pottmeyer

Gregor Pottmeyer

Chief Financial Officer