Inter(n)view: Lauren Devlin

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 17 Sep 2020

In our "Inter(n)view" series, our interns, trainees and students share their insights into Deutsche Börse Group. Up next is Lauren Devlin from Clearstream. She tells us more about her personal experiences during her past internship in the interview.

Lauren Devlin

Which similarities can you name between your internship and your studies?

Some modules we study in college are similar to what we do on a daily basis at Clearstream. For example, we have completed several IT modules since the first year, which has helped me a tremendous amount in my work here. We also learned about bribery, fraud and ethics in IT for business professionals, so when we completed this training at Clearstream we already had some knowledge of this.

How does the internship contribute to your professional and personal development?

Working here at Clearstream has contributed massively to my professional development as it has given me an insight into the working world and environment. Doing an internship has taught me many things that studying at in college alone wouldn’t have. The extra training opportunities provided by Deutsche Börse and the knowledge and skills I have gained over the past six months will help me in the future once I finish college. 

Please describe the working environment in your department and at Deutsche Börse Group in general.

The environment at Clearstream has been welcoming from the very beginning. When I started, I was treated like a full-time staff member and received all the training and benefits that all other employees received. Overall, my team is always very accommodating. They have been very helpful ever since I first met them. Even while working from home, everyone on my team has been very easy to communicate with and I could reach them whenever I needed them. The culture at Clearstream is amazing and I am very proud to be part of this company. Besides, I like that they fundraise for many charities in need!

What is the most exciting and challenging part of your internship?

The most exciting part of my job is getting to work in such a great company, and I have made friends with other interns who I would have never known before. I enjoy going into the office and seeing them throughout the day. It is also great to be part of a team and working with employees who have been in the company for many years. It can be challenging when there is a trade due to settle and final details are needed, and it is my job to reach out to the admin for these details before a certain time, so we do not miss a trade date.