Settled in: Tornike Kikishvili

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 07 Jul 2021

In our “Settled in” series, our colleagues, who have decided to start their careers at Deutsche Börse Group share their journeys with us. Tornike grew up in Georgia and studied law in his bachelor’s in Tbilisi. In 2018, he moved to Germany and completed his master’s in Public Policy in Erfurt. While Tornike studied for his master’s, he was already working at Deutsche Börse Group as a working student. Today, he is settled in as an Account Manager in Intercompany Organisation at Deutsche Börse Group.

What was it like to move from Georgia to Germany and why did you decide to start a position at Deutsche Börse Group?

The German educational system has always attracted my attention. After my bachelor’s degree, I knew I wanted to study public policy and was fortunate to get a scholarship to continue my studies at Willy Brandt School of Public Policy in Erfurt. Moving from my home country to Germany was an exciting experience but, of course, accompanied with lots of challenges. I got particularly interested in capital markets and the EU regulatory framework during my master studies. Deutsche Börse Group as a highly regulated market infrastructure provider and global company with legal entities across the world was the best opportunity to develop my career in this field. A multicultural environment, strong international positioning and the wide range of career prospects DBG offers were major incentives to apply at Deutsche Börse Group.

What are your tasks in your full-time position as an Account Manager?

Intercompany Organisation covers the contractual service relationships between the different legal entities of Deutsche Börse Group. Account Management is responsible for the coordination of contract creation and their approval process through the SAP CLM tool. In my current role, I act as the single point of contact for all Eurex legal entities and support Outsourcer/Insourcer Business Owners in the contract management process to meet various regulatory requirements. Since we are connected to various stakeholders across the group and the tasks are quite hectic, the position is a great opportunity to gain deep insights into the group’s structure and understand how different business pillars contribute to the bigger picture.

Do the insights from being a working student help you in your permanent position?

In 2020, I was a working student at Regulatory Services GmbH, a subsidiary of Deutsche Börse Group and I was responsible for replying to the questions of Regulatory Reporting Hub’s customers regarding our internal control systems. Today, Regulatory Reporting Hub is not a part of Deutsche Börse Group anymore since it has been sold later in 2020. It was a platform that connected our different compliance-solutions and made them accessible for other companies. Here, I had the opportunity to familiarise myself with Deutsche Börse Group’s internal control measures regarding various group-wide topics i.e. Information Security, Data Protection, Business Continuity Management or Outsourcing. Furthermore, by working with experts from different departments, I became more aware of the practical implementation of such measures. These hands-on experiences benefited my understanding of the needs of internal customers and helps to deliver the respective service.

I also worked with external top-tier customers and contributed to inquiry workshops during the pre-acquisition of Regulatory Reporting Hub. Those meetings helped me to articulate my standards of communication with customers, which has been very useful in my current position.

You also did social projects in Georgia and Germany. Can you tell us what you did there?

During and between my studies, I have been working on youth empowerment and youth participation in democratic development. Being very enthusiastic about sharing my experiences to young people and empowering them to fully realise their capacities and potential, I have been involved in several social projects. Back in Georgia, I lead an organisation that implemented country-wide workshops for raising awareness on citizenship and contributing to building a strong civil society. The last project I participated in was organised in Germany and we covered around 2,500 school students in the State of Brandenburg with our workshops on EU institutions, European democracy building and climate change. As this type of social projects remain exciting for me, I am gladly dedicating free time when possible.

Do you have any advice for young professionals?

Be bold, go an extra mile and always look for self-development. In the end, every taken opportunity adds up to the basket of professional and personal growth.