Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation presents „Foam Talent 2019“ in The Cube, Eschborn/Frankfurt

Release date: 20 Aug 2019


Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation

Works by 20 young artists on display from 6 September to 1 November 2019 / Press preview on 5 September, 11:00

The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation is opening the exhibition “Foam Talent 2019” in The Cube, Eschborn/Frankfurt. On show are works by 20 artists from 13 nations who have been selected for the Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam’s annual programme to promote young talents. As part of its engagement of supporting contemporary photography, the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation has been partner of the programme since 2017. After its presentation in Amsterdam, New York and London the exhibition is on display from 6 September until 1 November 2019 in The Cube.

Foam Talent is an internationally renowned programme for young artists under the age of 35, which has been organised by the Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam since 2007. Through its annual talent call, Foam invites artists who work with the medium of photography to submit their portfolios. For 2019, 20 artists were selected from around 1,800 submissions. Their works are subsequently being published in the talent edition of Foam Magazine, a quarterly publication, and shown in an exhibition in international institutions.

In addition to current trends, the selected artists of this year concentrate on social, political and ecological concerns. By taking a fresh approach to exploring the limits of the medium, they are not restricted to creating traditional prints to be displayed on a museum wall; rather, the works include a number of expansive object installations. In the individual projects’ creation processes, extensive research – alongside archive material, videos and images – plays an important role. The submissions thereby create a lively map of the ever-changing medium of photography.


Artists list “Foam Talent 2019” 

Florian Amoser (Switzerland), He Bo (China), Valentine Bo (Ukraine), Chen Zhe (China), Maisie Cousins (UK), Sylvain Couzinet-Jacques (France), Jalan & Jibril Durimel (France), Sophie Gabrielle (Australia), Eric Gyamfi (Ghana), Thomas Hauser (France), Gregory Eddi Jones (USA), Stelios Kallinikou (Cyprus), Takashi Kawashima (Japan), Dima Komarov (Russia), Lilly Lulay (Germany), Jaya Pelupessy (The Netherlands), Daniel Shea (USA), Senta Simond (Switzerland), Salvatore Vitale (Switzerland) and Carmen Winant (USA). 

Further information
A press preview will take place on 5 September 2019, 11:00, in The Cube, Mergenthalerallee 61, 65760 Eschborn.
Anne-Marie Beckmann, Director of the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation, and Marcel Feil, Artistic Director of Foam, will lead you through the exhibition, together with present artists. Please register under

We will be happy to send you press pictures in print quality on request.

Information for visitors: 
The opening of the exhibition “Foam Talent 2019” will take place on Thursday, 5 September 2019, 18:30 in The Cube. The exhibition can be visited free of charge as part of guided tours. Please book in advance. The dates of public guided tours are available here. Additional dates for groups of 10 persons or more are possible by arrangement.

Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation

The Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation is a Frankfurt-based non-profit organisation. The foundation activities focus on collecting, exhibiting and promoting contemporary photography. Founded in 1999, the Art Collection Deutsche Börse now comprises over 1,800 works by around 130 international artists and is open to the public. Together with The Photographers’ Gallery in London, the foundation awards the renowned Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation Prize each year. 
The Foundation is particularly interested in promoting young artists and supports them in various ways, e.g. through awards, scholarships or their participation in the Foam Talent programme. Other focal points include supporting exhibition projects of international museums and institutions, and the expansion of platforms for academic discussion about the medium. Further information is available at

Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam

Foam is an internationally operating organisation in the field of photography, based in Amsterdam. It operates, among others, the Foam Fotografiemuseum Amsterdam, promotes young artists and publishes its own magazine which highlights the trends in the field of photography. Since 2007, Foam has been organising the “Foam Talent” programme, which has developed into an important platform for young artists. Further information is available at