Inter(n)view: Gabriel Tomitsuka

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 20 Nov 2020

In our "Inter(n)view" series, our interns, trainees and students share their insights into Deutsche Börse Group. Up next is Gabriel Tomitsuka who interned at DB1 Ventures in Frankfurt and talks about his experiences in hindsight.

Gabriel Tomitsuka

Why did you decide on Deutsche Börse Group, especially for DB1 Ventures?

As someone passionate about financial markets and the start-up world, DB1 Ventures is the perfect fit for me. We are able to invest €5-15 million in leading startups operating in capital markets, no matter where in the world they are located. This fits perfectly with Deutsche Börse Group’s international and diverse culture representing 105 nationalities.

DB1 Ventures’ team members come from 5 different countries and have diverse professional backgrounds. This enables us to look at companies from different angles, help early-stage and growth stage startups scale, and be Deutsche Börse Group’s “eyes and ears” in the venture ecosystem. It is an incredible opportunity for personal growth and learning, and I’m honored to be here.

Please describe your first working days at DB1 Ventures.

I supported the team in leading Clarity AI’s Series A financing round. Clarity AI is a leading startup that enables financial market participants to bring environmental, social and governmental aspects (ESG) into their investment decision process. I helped prepare the presentation for Deutsche Börse Group’s executives to gain a better understanding of Clarity AI’s business model, vision, and team.

What does your working day look like?

I conduct due diligence on startups we are interested in and prepare concise but insightful presentations for our executives. For example, I often analyze companies operating in a certain area (e.g. financial data & analytics) and help prepare a PowerPoint presentation, analyzing the market, current trends / growth narratives, and strategic advantages of different companies.

What is the most exciting and challenging part of your internship?

By far the most exciting part is to work with an incredibly talented and dynamic team on strategic deals that move Deutsche Börse Group closer to its purpose of bringing trust to markets of today and tomorrow.

The most challenging but also most rewarding part is analyzing market trends and condensing them in a format for Deutsche Börse Group’s executives to gain insights without wasting their time. I read articles/reports from various sources, evaluate their credibility, and create a narrative. I was thrilled when a presentation on a potential investment I worked on for weeks was ready for the investment committee.

Describe Deutsche Börse Group and the working environment in three words.

Ambitious, reliable and global.