Settled in: Carolin Kübler

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 02 Jan 2020

In our "Settled in" series, our colleagues who have decided to start their careers at Deutsche Börse Group share their journeys with us. Next, Carolin Kübler from Client Services tells us about her experiences and personal milestones within the company.

Carolin Kübler

When did you realise that you would like to work in the financial services sector?

I discovered my interest in the financial sector while studying economics at THM Business School in Gießen. As I lived close to Frankfurt, the main financial industry hub in Germany, the stock exchange was always appealing to me. That's why I applied for an internship at Deutsche Börse Group back in 2011. 

​​​What was your first impression?

When I entered the building in Eschborn for my interview in Recruitment & Campus Marketing, I thought to myself: this is the place I would like to work at. I also remember that the interviewers were very kind, which gave me a great feeling right from the start. And I got the internship! It was my first working experience. Looking back, I would say that it was the best way to start my career and meet a lot of interesting people – some of which are now close friends.  

What was your next move after your internship?

​​Following my internship, I spent some time abroad in the US and Thailand as part of my master’s degree. Afterwards, I started my first full-time position in client service at BNP Paribas and spent another year in Australia to work and travel. I re-joined Deutsche Börse Group in April 2018 as a full-time employee in Client Services at Clearstream. The skills I developed during my time at BNP Paribas as well as in my internships helped me a lot when starting this new position. To me, customer focus has always been at the core, going back to my part-time work as a waitress during my studies: delivering outstanding customer service is what truly differentiates a business from its competition.​

Do you have any advice for young professionals?

​Gain as much experience as you can and meet as many people from different backgrounds and countries as possible. Complete several internships, work for different companies and live abroad for a couple of months. This will help you to figure out what you actually want in life, where you want to work and what you truly enjoy doing.