Settled in: Jana Rieger

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 15 Oct 2019

In our "Settled in" series, our colleagues who have decided to start their careers at Deutsche Börse Group share their journeys with us. Next, Jana Rieger from the Cash Market team tells us about her experiences and personal milestones within the company.

Jana Rieger

Capital market financing is only one of many financing options for companies. But financing is only one of the reasons why companies decide to go public. Jana Rieger from the Issuer Services department at Deutsche Börse AG knows this only too well.

She has been part of the Cash Market team, which is responsible for supporting stock exchange candidates and issuers, for a good two years. “For companies, it is an essential and above all strategic decision to go public. It is exciting and challenging at the same time to win companies over to go public and to accompany them on that journey,” says the 26-year-old.

Jana came into contact with the topic of going public during her semester abroad in Bergen, Norway. It then became clear to the economist: that's it! And as a young professional, she says: “Deutsche Börse is broadly positioned and exciting for all those interested in the capital market”. Initially she joined the company as a working student, and after graduating with a bachelor's degree in 2017 she became a permanent employee of Deutsche Börse AG.

“It was important for me to gain professional experience after my bachelor's degree,” Jana explains her decision for an early career start. She is currently completing her master's degree in Finance parallel to her job. Every two weeks she listens to lectures on Friday afternoons and Saturdays. This, of course, is a full programme and requires discipline. But with the practical experience in her toolbox, her studies are even more fun: “With my previous professional experience, it's easier for me to include and apply the theory in everyday business life.” She prefers to relax from this everyday life at concerts or while travelling. By the way, the latter was the reason for Jana to go to Norway.


In her job, she likes the mix of strategic initiatives, project work and customer support for her clients, i.e. issuers and Capital Market Partners. For example, she has worked on developing Investor Targeting, an investor relations service that brings issuers together with investors in Europe. When it comes to going public, she supports companies together with her colleagues in optimally preparing the way to the capital market and clarifying individual steps for the company. Jana's tasks have left their mark on her: presenting to customers has strengthened her self-confidence.

She finds it particularly exciting how varied the companies are: “We talk to companies from different industries and phases. It never gets boring.” Mostly in spring and autumn, everything revolves around IPOs for her. “Preparing and participating in major IPOs such as Knorr-Bremse 2018 or TRATON in June is something special,” she says.