Settled in: Mariella Siafara

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 12 Jan 2023

In our “Settled in” series, our colleagues, who have decided to start their careers at Deutsche Börse Group share their journeys with us. This time, Mariella Siafara from Product Marketing at Clearstream talks about how her internship prepared her for her full-time employment and what she values about her experience. 

Mariella Siafara

How did the recruitment internship in HR help you succeed in your current role? 

My current role in Product Marketing supports several teams by quickly providing public information to answer questions about Clearstream’s business that they can then share with clients, vendors and other parties. This is mainly done through due diligence questionnaires and requests for proposal. It is based on knowledge and information derived from every team within Clearstream. 

In the HR recruitment team, I found roles for other interns in teams throughout the Luxembourg office and this immediately gave me access to a comprehensive internal network. I met many hiring managers and colleagues whom I could rely on even after I changed roles. Building a network and developing my communication skills gave me a sense of confidence and independency that is vital when starting a new role. 

Where do you see yourself in the future? 

Deutsche Börse Group is the place and employer for me. It’s very motivating to participate in Clearstream’s strategic evolution as it continues to influence the changes and new norms in the financial industry. The flexibility and ability to adapt to new situations inspires and energises me, hence my goal is to remain in the Group and expand my experiences in this fast-changing environment.

What are your working-day essentials? 

My day on site here at The Square starts in our cafeteria. Bruno, one of our Aramark chefs, makes the most delicious scrambled eggs.

While enjoying my breakfast, I like to read about the activities of colleagues in other locations. Keeping informed with the Intranet and Yammer gives me a sense of security and belonging to a community. 

Water and tea – I could never survive without them. I truly believe proper hydration helps me concentrate better, so I always have a glass of water or a cup of tea in my hands. 

Why did you choose Clearstream and Deutsche Börse Group as employer? 

Soon after I finished my studies, I met with a friend who spoke highly of Luxembourg and Clearstream, so I decided to apply for an internship. At first, I didn’t understand much about the company, but I was impressed by its presence across multiple locations worldwide and importance in the market. Also, when I had the interview on site, I felt that it was a friendly, open and welcoming company, so I accepted the offer without hesitation!