Settled in: Anja Schenn

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 12 Mar 2020

In our "Settled in" series, our colleagues who have decided to start their careers at Deutsche Börse Group share their journeys with us. Next, Anja Schenn from Employee & Securities Compliance tells us about her experiences and personal milestones within the company.

Anja Schenn

Anja Schenn has been interested in economic relationships since her school days. After graduating from a commercial high school, she studied business law at the University of Kassel and spent a semester abroad at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia. A varied environment is important to her. This is precisely why she feels she is in good hands with her Employee & Securities Compliance team.

When did you realise that you wanted to work in the financial services industry?

Even though, I knew from relatively early on that I wanted to go into business, the plan of working in the financial services industry came relatively late. It was more for private reasons, because after my semester abroad I wanted to go to Frankfurt to do my mandatory internship. A professor gave me the tip to find out about compliance. That's why I started researching and found that the combination of business and law, which is really strong in Compliance, very interesting for me.

How did you get to Deutsche Börse?

I was previously with ODDO BHF, for half a year as an intern and then another half year as a working student. I learned a lot at the bank and was allowed to accompany exciting projects, but at some point, I also felt like getting to know a new company. When a colleague of mine joined Deutsche Börse Group at that time, she caught up with me later as a working student. For the first three months I worked in the Compliance department before joining the Employee & Securities Compliance team as a permanent employee in April 2019.

What are your tasks?

I have a wide range of responsibilities, which makes the job very exciting. On the one hand, I am responsible for issues relating to employees and their obligations with regards to Deutsche Börse's Market Abuse Directive, but I also deal with technical issues. We are constantly developing our Employee Compliance Portal and I provide support for this.

​​What was your first impression?

I was very impressed by the building. Furthermore, the colleagues from Compliance were very nice. I was immediately accepted and integrated. On my first day I was invited to various after-work appointments. The members of the Compliance team also spend a lot of their private time together. I find that very nice.

​​​What skills are important in your job? 

As a Compliance Officer you should always be able to keep an overview. Many topics are very complex. It's important to be able to find your way through topics and understand their context. I love getting to the bottom of things and I think that this preference makes me the right person for Compliance. 

Is there something that inspires you professionally or personally?

Definitely my parents. Their life story shows me that you can achieve anything if you really want to. 

Do you have any other advice you would like to share with career starters?

Be open for new challenges. Take on tasks that are outside your comfort zone. Because it is exactly such tasks that allow us to grow and learn new things. The more varied the tasks are, the more we can benefit from them.