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Being public

Being public Make light work of your capital market and disclosure duties

Your IPO was successful and now life as an exchange-listed company begins. Keep track of what must be communicated when and how and to whom. Deutsche Börse acts as your interface to the capital market. We support you in meeting your disclosure duties, nurturing relations to investors, and always keeping an eye on the liquidity of your equity.

IPO line

An IPO offers a world of opportunities but it also brings follow-up inclusion obligations. Our IPO line – being public helps you keep on top of your transparency duties.

Issuer Services Hub

The Issuer Services Hub offers companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange — in the segments of Prime Standard, General Standard and Scale — free access to relevant information and bundles it on one platform.


DirectPlace, which allows the subscription of securities through Börse Frankfurt is not just an IPO tool. It is also helpful if you are considering a capital increase.

ESG solutions

Knowledge of the ESG criteria relevant to its industry allows a company to identify and improve its opportunities towards investors. The Sustainability Suite of ISS Corporate Solutions (ICS) enables you to analyse your ESG commitment and compare it with that of your competitors.

Stock report

As an issuer in the Prime Standard, General Standard or Scale®, every month we send you your personal stock report with the current trading data on your shares in graphic form.

Exchange Reporting System

The Exchange Reporting System (ERS®) is the interface for issuers in Prime Standard, Scale and Prime Standard for Corporate Bonds that enables them to fulfil their admission, inclusion and/or follow-up duties.

Market maker

Designated Sponsors in Xetra® and Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (FWB® the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) specialists ensure trading is liquid and price quality is high.

Bell ringing ceremony

Whether you are celebrating your IPO anniversary, a change of segment, inclusion in a selection index or another exchange-related occasion, present your company by ringing the opening bell and welcoming your guests to our event and meeting space.

Web services

Investor relations online: two free services to support your work.