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MTU Aero Engines AG to be included in DAX

Release date:
04 Sep 2019
| Deutsche Börse

MTU Aero Engines AG to be included in DAX

Thyssenkrupp moves into MDAX/
Changes will become effective on 23 September

On Wednesday, global index provider STOXX Ltd., part of Deutsche Börse Group, announced changes to the DAX index family, which will become effective on 23 September 2019. The shares of MTU Aero Engines AG will be included in the DAX index and will replace the shares of thyssenkrupp AG, based on the fast-exit rule.

New additions to MDAX will be: thyssenkrupp AG (deleted from DAX), CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA (included from SDAX after fast-exit of Norma Group SE) and CompuGroup Medical SE (included from SDAX after fast-exit of Deutsche EuroShop AG). 

Additions in SDAX are Norma Group SE, Deutsche EuroShop AG and the shares of TRATON SE. Aumann AG will be deleted from SDAX according to the fast-exit rule. 

The constituents of the TecDAX index remain unchanged.

The next scheduled index review is 4 December 2019.

DAX®, MDAX®, SDAX® and TecDAX® are registered trademarks of Deutsche Börse AG.

STOXX Ltd. is a global index provider, currently calculating a global, comprehensive index family of over 10,000 strictly rules-based and transparent indices. Best known for the leading European equity indices EURO STOXX 50, STOXX Europe 50 and STOXX Europe 600, STOXX Ltd. maintains and calculates the STOXX Global index family which consists of total market, broad and blue-chip indices for the regions Americas, Europe, Asia/Pacific and sub-regions Latin America and BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) as well as global markets.

STOXX indices are licensed to more than 600 companies around the world as underlyings for Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), futures and options, structured products and passively managed investment funds.

STOXX Ltd. is part of Deutsche Börse Group, and the administrator of the DAX indices under the European Benchmark Regulation.

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