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Inter(n)view – Seda Evirgen

Release date:
02 Sep 2020

Inter(n)view – Seda Evirgen People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

In our “Inter(n)view” series, our interns, trainees and students share their insights into Deutsche Börse Group. Up next is Seda Evirgen from HR at 360 Treasury Systems in Frankfurt. She tells us more about her personal experiences during her internship in the interview.

Seda Evirgen

Why did you decide for Deutsche Börse, especially for 360 Treasury Systems?

I first did an internship in project management at Deutsche Börse Group. Initially, my decision to apply for an internship was based on positive recommendations from friends who have already worked at Deutsche Börse Group. After doing more research, working at Deutsche Börse Group appealed to me due to the international environment and the professional development prospects. Following my positive experience at Deutsche Börse Group, I decided to apply for a working student position in the Human Resources Management department at the Deutsche Börse subsidiary 360 Treasury Systems AG. 360T distinguished itself for me from other companies by the interesting job description and the coverage of all areas of the “expected tasks” of the HR department, including recruitment, training, employee relations or HR reporting.

What does your job entail? What does your particular working day look like?

I immediately recognized the versatility of working in the HR department. In general, my area of responsibilities covers all aspects of HR management, such as recruitment, employer branding, employee training and development as well as administrative responsibilities. There are always new projects on the agenda, and currently I am involved in the planning of different trainings for our employees.

Which similarities can you name between your working student job and your study?

My study is a combination of business administration and the languages English and Portuguese. Based on my courses in business administration, I already had the opportunity to acquire theoretical knowledge in personnel management. The language courses have helped me to improve my knowledge of intercultural communication, especially in a professional context. Working as a working student enabled me to put theory into practice by gaining a deeper insight into HR-related topics and getting to know various HR responsibilities in an international environment.

What is the most exciting and challenging part of your working student job?

Being part of the Human Resources department, I am in constant contact with our employees. On the one hand, this is very exciting because I get to meet new people daily and I am usually their first point of contact, helping them fit in at our company. On the other hand, it can also be complex as each person works and thinks differently. Often, finding a solution that makes everyone happy is somewhat challenging.

Please describe the working environment in your department and at Deutsche Börse Group in general. 

I would describe the working environment at Deutsche Börse Group as both exciting and challenging. There is always a positive and respectful atmosphere, which facilitates professional cooperation and ensures that daily work is pleasant for everyone. I really like the fact that working students and interns are given such a high degree of responsibility right from the start and are regarded as fully-fledged employees. Furthermore, the occasional informal gatherings after work are a great opportunity to get to know your colleagues better outside the office.


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