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Investment Management Solutions

Investment Management Solutions Front-to-back solutions for the buy-side

Current Issues

Unscheduled component change in SDAX

SYNLAB AG will leave the SDAX. This change will become effective on 15 July 2024.


DAX capping will be adjusted to 15 per cent

New capping rule will apply for DAX, MDAX, SDAX and TecDAX

Horizon 2026

Investment Management Solutions

Front-to-back solutions for the buy-side


The home of DAX

Germany’s blue-chip index serves as an underlying for more than 40,000 financial products.


Investment Management Solutions offers end-to-end investment solutions and high-quality data, addressing the evolving needs of the buy-side. By providing a wide range of intelligent, data-driven products, index families, software, and software-as-a-service (SaaS) solutions, we assist our clients around the world in their investment decisions. This includes offerings that facilitate proactive sustainable investment.

Investment Management Solutions is comprised of two companies: ISS STOXX and SimCorp.



ISS STOXX has an innovative range of index products with global coverage, including STOXX® and DAX®. Indices are licensed to issuers of financial products, owners of capital and asset managers. The entire index family includes over 16,500 strictly rules-based and transparent indices.

Software & analytics


With our subsidiary SimCorp we offer a market-leading platform for investment management to financial institutions. It covers the entire operational value chain within investment management. The Axioma product range includes solutions for investment management.