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Settled in: Lisa Biedinger

Release date:
05 Feb 2024

Settled in: Lisa Biedinger People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

In our “Settled in” series, our colleagues who have decided to start their career at Deutsche Börse Group share their insights with us. In this issue, Lisa Biedinger from our Financial Accounting team in Luxembourg, tells us all about her biggest self-revelation since joining Clearstream as a full-time employee and what advice she would give a newbie as she once was.

What has been your biggest challenge since joining Clearstream?

It was a rainy Monday morning and I’d only joined Clearstream as a full-time employee six weeks before, when the department head called me out of the blue and greeted me with: “Lisa, it’s serious. We need to act quickly.” My adrenaline started pumping. I took a quick look at the desk where my manager usually sits, even though I already knew that he was on holiday along with other team members. In that instant I felt like I was on my own for this one but thanks to my internship within the team the year before, I wasn’t a complete newbie, and I knew my way around the most important files and folders. That also may be one of the main reasons, why my team trusted me to be on my own in the first weeks: I had already earned their trust and of course they were always available by phone.

How did you manage that situation?

The situation was serious: a conflict had arisen and there were some decisions taken before my starting date that no longer applied. Now the situation had escalated. Relying on what I had learned during my master’s degree in accounting and auditing and my previous internships at Clearstream, I confidently put in my recommendation. Even though senior colleagues challenged my understanding, I kept a cool head and stuck to my convictions, which turned out to be right! Luckily, my boss supported me and acted as a sounding board despite his holiday! In all of that, my studies played an influential role too. As a lot of lecturers were still working in accounting and other companies, they were able to really prepare us for the workplace based on real life examples.

What do you like most about your job?

Even though situations like these can put you under a lot of pressure, it’s also something I like most about the job: you are constantly facing new challenges and need to come up with new ways of thinking in order to find solutions. To wrap this story up, there’s one truly important thing that makes me enjoy my job that much: my team! With their relaxed mindset, they’re able to make jokes even in the most stressful situations and always give me that feeling of supporting each other whatever the circumstances.

What advice would you give a newbie like you once were?

My main learnings from this situation are how to deal best with pressure and to be confident in my own judgement. That’s also the main advice I would give someone else. If something feels right, do it and if it doesn’t work out, note it down as experience! Don’t be afraid to make decisions and always be confident in your abilities, even if you’re new to the job! 

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